Precast concrete and precast stone construction materials offer a wide range of performance benefits.
Because technicians carefully monitor curing processes, these products offer superior quality and safety features while meeting large-scale construction needs in a cost-effective and optimally efficient manner.
Why Precast Concrete and Stone Should Be Fireproofed
Despite their inherent safety characteristics, experts recommend that precast concrete and stone building materials undergo additional fire retardant treatments. Precast fireproof coatings are proven to reduce the rate of flame spread and diminish smoke production, helping companies maintain higher safety standards. These treatments also provide essential protections to property and business assets and can help companies secure lower insurance premiums.
American and international industrial fire safety codes also require proactive measures. Supplemental fireproof precast concrete and stone coatings help businesses achieve compliance with important safety standards while facilitating the salvageability of the building envelope in a worst-case scenario.